Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Earth's Axsis and Time

I skimmed an article on (I lack the time to read an entire article- how sad is that?)about the earthquake in Chile and how it caused earth to shift from it's axis casuing our days to be shorter. If I recall correctly, days are about 1.26 milliseconds shorter. So, all in all, I'm losing 1.26 milliseconds to my day. Vital, irreplacable, and extremely necessary time. For, as of this semester, I constantly am under the feeling that I have no time. Either it is slipping away agonizingly through the many (I put great emphasis on many) hours I spend trying to understand math (much to my despair, I still don't understand math), or it is dissapearing through visits to office hours, meetings, and other necessary academic activities. Although, what is most perplexing about it all is that I simplly cannot fathom why this semester is worse than last semester. The saying, "It is what you make out of it" just came to my mind, yet to counter that, I am attemping to, quite adamently to make it into a positive semester, yet the odds are not working in my favor. The neat, structured system I have built last semester for my academic and other school (all productive) events does not seem to support this semester's obligations. The closet continues to fill up, the shelves have no space, and the door looks like it will burst open any moment, letting loose a torrent of everything that needs to be done, taken care of, worked on, completed, and studied for. Then, where does that leave me? It leaves me amid a sea I can barley swim out of. All I can do now is tell myself, I will not escape, I will overcome, and I will do so with the attitude opposit of that exhibited in this little writing blog. Although the door looks as if it will burst open, I refuse to let that happen. I will walk into that closet, and continue, with a fighters attitute, to battle everything that needs to be done. (One I complete what I have to do at the moment, that is). I will surive this semester, and as long as I know I did my best, in every area, I will take what it gives me, and I will move on. Including my horrid, unbearable, extremely poorly taught, and agonizing Math 115 A class. I will survive.
Yes math, including you.

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